Hello, everyone! I've just posted a brand new video on a great acupressure point to press in the event you are feeling unsettled or any anxiety. This is a wonderful point to use anywhere as it is a subtle position that really works. Please enjoy and let me know what you think!
A powerful message from my teacher Ron Baker
As I write this, Hurricane Irma is making her destructive way up into Georgia and Tennessee. I pray for everyone to stay safe and well out of harm's way in this monumental storm.
My incredible teacher Ron Baker wrote a moving email followed by a longer blog post last week and I felt moved to share it here. This storm is not the last we'll see, and I deeply appreciate Ron's wisdom and insight into the teaching this storm holds. To learn more about Ron, please visit his website here.
May all beings be safe and happy, Anna
As this second (of four potential) hurricanes crosses into the United States, let's send out energy and prayers that each one is protected and that it all unfolds according to the highest good.
We all have personal challenges and sometimes we share collective challenges. We all need support... and need to become proactive in the support of others to lead truly evolved lives of value, meaning and purpose.
The eclipse that went across the US in August brought up lots of energy... to a country that is already shaken up emotionally from the choices we have set up for ourselves, just in the government alone.
It is a time of heightened feelings and the emotional body is stirred up. On a soul level, it is not random that we are now seeing these emotional energies reflected in these storms.
We do play a part in the collective accumulation of energy that is being put out...
And this is what is transpiring for now.
Not good. Not bad. Simply the energetic response to the whole.
So let's send energy of love and healing, to play a proactive part in the resonance of healing and peace...
Let's act in ways in our lives that support healing and peace, in how we treat one another.
These are some of the opportunities of this time.
To read Ron's longer blog post on this same topic, please click here.
New video just posted - Large Intestine 4!
I'm going to start posting short videos on various tips and tricks you can use to create a deeper sense of peace in your body. Have a watch and let me know what you think!
Oh, hello May!
I write this from beautiful Greenville, SC as May is just barely an hour old. It's incredible to me that April flashed by and here we are, five months into the year already. Incredible how that little thing called time keeps on flying - !
I'm thrilled to be offering lots of great classes and gatherings this month, including LOTS of essential oils classes, Brooklyn Breathwork's New Moon Breathe on May 24th and some soon-to-be-announced Wu Tao classes. Click over to my calendar and check out what's next!
Warmest, beautiful May wishes to you all!
Back in action!
I write this ensconced in my favorite living room chair while nursing a cold that just won't seem to go away. I have just returned from my long awaited trip to Bali that was everything it was cracked up to be and then some. The return home was gently bittersweet, but I was ready after three weeks of indulgence to get back to my favorite city in the world and make some magic happen! I've included a small gallery of photos from my trip which you can see below. You'll see shots from our amazing Wu Tao retreat at the stunning Pondok Pisang as well as a few highlight shots, including our trip to the sacred springs at Tirta Empul. What can I say - Bali is bliss!
This month holds many wonderful classes and gatherings that I am glad to be hosting. My calendar (which can be seen live and direct right here!) is full of breathwork, oils classes and a few upcoming very cool announcements, including TWO FULL DAYS of Wu Tao in April with the one and only Michelle Locke!! More to come on that shortly so stay tuned!
I wish you all a beautiful month of March and stay tuned for many beautiful blooms here on Anna Brooke Healing!
My warmest and best to you all <3
And now for something completely different
it is with great happiness that I commit these words to my screen! In less than two weeks, I will be heading to the enchanted island of BALI to become a Wu Tao Teacher Trainer with Wu Tao founder and creator Michelle Locke. For those of you who read about it when it happened, this trip was meant to happen in November, but apparently I wasn't meant to go anywhere.
Prior to my departure, I am teaching several classes coming up and everyone is welcome to all of them! Click here to visit my calendar and please let me know if you want to come to any of the classes!
Wishing you and yours a restful, easy time over the next several weeks no matter what gale blows upon your front doorstep.
Here's to calm, ease and peace and wonderful surprises to boot in February!
January 2017 is coming in HOT!!!
This month is all about setting ourselves up well for the fluid, incoming energies of the new year! I'm offering tons of awesome classes and one-on-one healing sessions and learning opportunities just for you, so go on and make it happen for yourself!!
You can read all about my January schedule via my newsletter right here.
Here's to growing into the fullest, most loving expression of our sacred selves this fine new year!!
My warmest and best,
Anna Brooke Healing comes to MINKA Brooklyn!
Hi all!
I am thrilled to announce that beginning in December, I will be seeing private clients and hosting group breathes at gorgeous MINKA in Brooklyn! I am so excited to be a part of this gorgeous new space and community and cannot wait to begin hosting my Brooklyn Breathwork group breathes every new moon beginning in 2017 as well as seeing private clients again! If you or anyone you know is interested in receiving reiki, rebirthing breathwork or Wu Tao Dance instruction, please be in touch!
To book a reiki session with me, please click here!
To book a rebirthing session with me, please click here!
If you want to schedule an appointment with me at a time that is not listed on MINKA's website, please email me by clicking here!
This is MINKA's beautiful website!
Read about MINKA's mission here
Warmest new moon blessings <3
When life takes a turn...
For those who receive my newsletter or follow me on twitter or facebook, you'll know that I had plans to go to Bali in order to become a Wu Tao Dance teacher trainer.
Past tense.
Needless to say, the desire is very much there but reality didn't exactly sync up with my plans.
I got to the airport, rip roaring and ready to go. Upon handing over my passport to the gate agent to check in to my flight, she spent some time flipping through my passport and looking at all the pages. I have been extremely fortunate to be able to travel to many far flung places and my passport bears the trace of many incredible journeys. The thing I didn't know, however, was that my passport was incredibly full of these stamps. In fact, too full. Indonesia requires at least one full, empty page of your passport in order to get the visa upon arrival. My passport had no empty pages, only one half of one page. The amendments pages were wide open, but lo and behold, they cannot bear any stamps of entry or exit.
So here I am, in Brooklyn, and not in Bali.
One of the most valuable lessons I have ever learned (and am still learning) is the lesson of surrender. Water does not freak out if a stone is in its river path - it just flows past it. The water does not get all frothy and begins to plan how to threaten litigation. Nor does it scream for acknowledgment in what a hard and unfair time it is having because of the stone in its way. It just flows, and there is a mighty lesson in there for me.
When it became clear that there was no way I could get on the plane, I dragged my deflated, soggy self off to the side to regroup. I had a choice to make and I knew that I had to accept that this trip wasn't happening. The question was, how do I salvage the plans, tickets and financial commitments I made with as much grace and ease as I could muster.
Fast forward to 24 hours later. The airlines overrode my non-refundable, non-transferable ticket and let me change the ticket within a certain time frame with some annoying yet affordable fees. Michelle, the incredible woman who created Wu Tao, said that she would return to Bali within my dates so my training could happen. As unplanned as this was, I must say it has worked out incredibly well.
I went to the park yesterday to literally dance it out. The photos below are of me dancing the Air Dance, the first of the five Wu Tao dances. It is correlated to the season of autumn, the action of letting go, and the emotion of grief. I stretched, breathed, moved and surrendered to the dance, knowing that at the end of the day, I have my health, my wealth and am surrounded by so much love and support that it is impossible to quantify it.
In this unbearable moment of the election, of the fate of our nation and of our world and the billions of people who live upon it, I want to plant the seed of surrender. What can you let go of in this moment and surrender to the reality of the relationship, situation or state of being? Surrender has some unpleasant connotations in our society, likely because we have lived in states of war for millennia, and in a state of war, surrender is death, dishonor and eradication. If you feel this way, I invite you to let that thought go. What can you let go of in order to lighten your load? What are you willing to surrender to, to give up the fight and give permission to whatever it is to simply be?
Sending bright November blessings to you all. Here's to accepting, flowing and surrendering to the tides of our lives so we can move forward in grace, peace and ease.
Photos below taken in Fort Greene Park on November 5, 2016.
November News!
Hi, friends! November is upon us and although autumn holds the energies of constriction, death and preparation for hibernation, I am personally feeling an enormous boost of creativity and birth energy. I am typing this as I prepare to head to Bali for almost two weeks to become a Wu Tao Dance teacher trainer. I am incredibly excited to be the first person to regularly teach Wu Tao in America and now, I'll be able to train future Wu Tao teachers! This is an amazing opportunity and I am so grateful to Michelle Locke, the founder of Wu Tao Dance, for her confidence in me and unwavering support. Here's to dance, health and bliss!!
If you'd like to have a gander at my most recent newsletter, you can find it by clicking here.
Stay tuned for more class and event announcements for the rest of the year. In the meantime, please visit my calendar of events to see the upcoming dates for Brooklyn Breathwork and essential oils classes. I look forward to seeing you there!
My warmest wishes of health, wealth and wellbeing for this wonderful month of November.
Anna x
October is upon us in style!
Hey all! I just finished my October newsletter and you can check it out here!
I am teaching some fantastic classes this month, including Brooklyn Breathwork's first ever collaboration with art therapist Emery Mikel this coming Sunday 10/9! You can read all about it and register by clicking here!
I also can't believe that I am only one month away from going to Bali with Wu Tao's founder Michelle Locke to become a teacher trainer!! If you are interested in learning Wu Tao from the comfort of your home or even becoming a Wu Tao teacher yourself, please click here!
Wishing everyone a joyful and peaceful October and I look forward to seeing you in class very soon!
Lots of apple cider love,
Wu Tao Dance turned 15 this summer!
Thanks to a blessedly busy summer, I completely missed this amazing offer from Michelle Locke, the creator and founder of Wu Tao. Below is the full note that she sent out and I encourage you to read it all the way to the bottom to redeem a 20% off code on any purchase you make in the online shop! The offer is good until October 31st so be sure to place your orders as early as possible!
From Michelle:
So this month is exactly 15 years since I started creating Wu Tao. How time has flown. My life is so different to what it was then….Now I am a grandmother to little Zimi, a nurse and still teaching, sharing and loving Wu Tao.
July 2001 I was in another life. I had a very sick baby and my life was highly stressful to say the least. Regardless, the creative urge was strong and over a number of months, I started a journey of creation which eventually became Wu Tao. It was winter. In Chinese Medicine philosophy winter is the time of dreaming and nurturing the seed within. I did just that, holed up in a little studio in North Fremantle. It was a precious healing time. The five element dances came first, followed by the book which I wrote in a month. The first class was held in a gorgeous riverside studio at 6.45 in the morning for a group of supportive students. I’d ask them, ‘So what do you think?’ they all gave me the thumbs up. Over the next few months, movements were tweaked, meditations refined and come 2002, Wu Tao took off in Perth with 7 classes running a week.
I often wonder how much I really have to do with controlling my life. Wu Tao has seemed to have one of it’s own, and my purpose has simply been to say YES to it and follow my inner guidance and the Qi! It has been a great teacher. It’s helped me to embody and live the wisdom of the Tao, surrender to the flow of Life, respond appropriately and trust. The dances are the tools I use to stay connected, on purpose and in balance. Who knows what I would have become without it, who would I be?
Given the immense challenges I have faced in recent years, I tend to think I would have been a basket case without it! Wu Tao has held me through the worst years following Belle’s transition. It gave me a space to dance out my grief and know what is real beyond the veils of this world.
I am crying as I write this. Crying with gratitude for the life-force that carries me. I am held in deep love. As are you my dear Anna. Wu Tao is my gift to you from Spirit. I hope it benefits you and I very much hope to be dancing with you soon!
When life is crappy and the darkness is upon you, remember this.
“You are one with Life and nothing that ever happens will ever change this.
You can trust in Life one hundred percent. Surrender to this force,
give up your ego control and
become receptive and relaxed.
Life will guide you through the difficult terrain.
You will gain the gifts of spirit
wisdom, understanding, patience, love, compassion, peace and joy
exactly as you need them.”
20% off - Anniversary Special for you!
It is my greatest joy to share Wu Tao with you in all of its forms and so I warmly invite you to use this coupon to receive a 20% discount on all Wu Tao products (excluding classes and retreats). Buy a DVD, book, music mp3, package or start one of our wonderful instructor training programs between now and the 31st of October to receive the discount.
September is upon us!!
Greetings, friends! I hope this post finds everyone well and enjoying wherever you are in time and space.
September is a huge month, kicking off with a new moon on the first of the month (hello, new beginnings!) and ripe with a full moon lunar eclipse mid-month. Key words here are transformation and to quote The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Don't dream it - be it!
I am thrilled to be offering a slew of classes and workshops all month long. You can visit my calendar to read up on the most recent updates and offerings but here are a few classes of note!
Brooklyn Breathwork: TWO breathes in September!
Join us for two separate breathes, the first on Sunday, September 4th and the second on Sunday, September 18th. The first breathe will be dedicated to transformation and self-exploration. The second breathe will have Mauro Clerici, a guest healer and colorpuncturist working alongside yours truly. All breathes happen at Central Arts and Recording in Bushwick, run 3:30-6pm and cost $25. RSVP to brooklynbreathwork@gmail.com - all are welcome!
Essential Oils and the Chakras: A Seven Week Course with Stephanie Gunning and Anna Brooke
Join us for a weekly 90 minute class beginning September 19th and ending November 2nd wherein we explore which essential oils are a good support for your emotional and physical wellbeing as viewed through the lens of each chakra. Every class is free and love donations are gladly accepted. Full details on my calendar!
Stay tuned for all Wu Tao NYC classes which will be announced soon!
Any questions, comments or RSVPs,
Wishing you a glorious start to autumn!
Happy Summer!
Hello, sweet friends!
I hope this missive finds everyone resting comfortably in this summer heat we are having! I am writing this from sultry Florida where I thank the heavens for these gorgeous sea breezes in this amazingly hot, humid weather!
I wanted to signal that August will be a quiet month. I am taking advantage of some time off so that I can emerge refreshed and ready for the fall come September. Stay tuned for new class announcements and various offerings coming up!
In the meantime, please make sure that we are connected! You can follow me on twitter, facebook and receive monthly mailers straight to your inbox by clicking here.
Wishing you all a restful and nourishing late summer and I look forward to seeing everyone in the fall!
Anna x
Upcoming essential oils classes in July!
Hello, all! It is officially summertime and I am so happy to be in this relaxing and wonderfully hot season! I took part in the Lifestyle Lounge last night on West 14th St in the city and I am feeling so energized and excited about my doTERRA essential oils business! These oils and this work matter so much to me and I want to be sure you know about some great classes that I'll be teaching in July!
If you or anyone you know wants to learn more about essential oils and how to work with them both personally and in a business sense, please be in touch!! You can reach me here or visit my doTERRA website at www.mydoterra.com/annabrooke. Please let me know if you'd like to attend any of these classes! I'm also looking for hosts to host classes in their homes so if you or anyone you know are interested, please be in touch!
Building An Essential Oils Business
- Thursday, July 7, 2016
- 7:00pm 8:30pm
FREE class on how to create and build your essential oils business for financial freedom and flexibility.
37 East 28th St.
Suite 201, 2nd floor, room 3
Essential Oils for Meditation
- Wednesday, July 13, 2016
- 6:30pm 8:00pm
Join us for a class exploring the use of essential oils to enhance and deepen relaxation and a meditative state. All are welcome!
648 Broadway (just north of Bleecker Street) - Ninth Floor, Room #910
Energy Healing and Essential Oils
- Wednesday, July 20, 2016
- 6:30pm 7:30pm
580 Broadway (just north of Prince Street)
Room 510 (5th floor)
June is upon us!
What a sweet treat to have the month of June with us once again. This Memorial Day weekend was so fresh and relaxing, I feel I am floating right into this wonderful month!
Lots of wonderful things happening this month on my calendar. I am taking my work with essential oils to the next level and am loving working with them and talking about them and better yet, using them all the time! If you are curious and would love to learn more, I would be more than happy to speak with you! Please shoot me an email and let's set up a time to connect!
Brooklyn Breathwork is back this coming Sunday June 5th and I am so excited to dive deep into the limitless nature of life and our lives accordingly. There seems to be many indicators within my life and the lives of others that mirror this deep connection to the fact that everything is possible and I look forward to creating a space to explore this and holding the intention of discovery and expansion of consciousness for all in attendance!
My Wu Tao classes at Central Arts & Recording have been put on hold for the month while the studio completes some new construction. I look forward to returning in July with the brand new air conditioning unit to keep us cool and fresh! My Wu Tao and Zen Stretch classes continue at Cobra Club but please note the schedule as some regular dates will be missed!
Last but not least, I am beyond excited to return to the Lifestyle Lounge on Monday, June 20th. The night of a full moon, these evenings are incredible! if you are curious about finding new ways to tap into your highest good and deepest healing, please check it out! If you register before June 6th, you can take advantage of the early bird pricing and save some serious $! Use code ANNA to get an additional $10 off and be sure to bring a friend. These nights are so much fun!
Until my next post, here's to health and wellness, my friends!
My warmest and best,
May is coming up gorgeously!
I've just posted my May calendar and I am so looking forward to interacting and connecting with so many of you across lots of different classes and topics! Head on over to the calendar and check out the following goodies:
- Brooklyn Breathwork's May Breathe
- Weekly Zen Stretch & Wu Tao classes at Cobra Club in Bushwick
- Weekly Wu Tao Dance classes at Central Arts & Recording in Bushwick
- Many wonderful options to learn about the gift and incredible uses of essential oils for absolutely free!
Head on over to my calendar to check out where you can find me this month and stay tuned for new classes that will be announced soon!
I look forward to seeing you very soon indeed! Here's to a harmonic end to April and a gorgeous start to May!
Anna Brooke & doTERRA oils at Lifestyle Lounge on 3/23
I am so excited to be a part of the next Lifestyle Lounge event in Manhattan on Thursday, March 23rd! I will be representing doTERRA oils and all attendees will receive a small sample to take home with them and explore the amazing benefits of these gorgeous oils!
Are you ready to upgrade your life or simply make some changes that will support goals you have been working on for 2016?
Whether you want to work on some aspect of your health or another area of your life The Lifestyle Lounge is where you want to be on March 23rd.
If you hadn’t already heard The Lifestyle Lounge (formerly the Wellness Lounge) is the hottest wellness party in town where you can find out what’s HOT in every area of healthy and inspired living.
It’s where people just like you, who are smart driven and committed to looking and feeling your best, go to get personal 1 on 1 attention while experiencing a fun and relaxed atmosphere where you can discover the best way to take great care of yourself!
I’m so excited to announce that I will be at The Lifestyle Lounge featuring doTERRA essential oils!
If you have been looking for ways to supplement your life in naturally supportive ways, then don’t miss the opportunity to get some personal attention at The Lifestyle Lounge.
The Lifestyle Lounge is the ONLY place where you can sit down one on one with experts, like myself, and talk about what’s really important to you; from your confidence to your health to your relationships to your success and happiness, you do not want to miss this very unique and fun event!
Come and enjoy yummy healthy snacks and drinks and even get a complimentary treatment like a chair massage. This is not a health fair or expo.
Your ticket gets you:
· FREE one on one mini consultations with TOP experts
· Healthy snacks and beverage sampling
· Complimentary wellness treatments*
· A digital goodie bag filled with healthy living goodies
· A fun environment where you can mingle and meet like minded people
· Raffles entries to win amazing healthy living prizes
I personally invite you to attend The Lifestyle Lounge, where you can find everything you need to live a life that feels and looks good!
Right now when you use CODE: ANNA you will get $10 off the ticket price
Tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-lifestyle-lounge-tickets-20866846299
Here are all the details for the event:
Date: Wednesday, March 23rd, 2016
Time: 630pm – 930pm
Where: 239 W 14th Street, (between 7th -8th Ave) Red Door Entrance
This event always sells out. I don’t want you to miss the chance to attend, so get your ticket today!
Can’t wait to see you there!
P.S. This event will sell out so don’t wait to the last minute to get your ticket, register now.
Wu Tao classes at Central Arts & Recording in Brooklyn
You can now learn and practice Wu Tao on Sundays from 4-5:30pm at Central Arts & Recording in Bushwick! Class costs $15 and you can reserve your spot by emailing centralartsandrecording@gmail.com. Please bring a mat and warm layer for the cool down meditation. Any questions, please be in touch. I look forward to dancing with you very soon in the heart of Brooklyn!
Please note that due to scheduling conflicts and the Easter holiday, regular weekly classes will begin this spring. Stay tuned for the full class list!
"How to Dance with the Tao" by Wu Tao Dance founder Michelle Locke
A belated post but a worthy one! This is a beautiful article by Wu Tao Dance founder Michelle Locke on the philosophy and principles of Wu Tao as viewed through the lens of the Tao, or "way" according to Chinese philosophy. Michelle wrote this article and sent it out last month as part of her January newsletter. If you are interested to learn and read more, please visit the Wu Tao Dance main website and sign up for her newsletter there!
How to Dance with the Tao
Many people ask me what inspired Wu Tao. Well, there was really two things. My love for dance and my belief in the philosophy of Taoism. I have always loved the Tao. It’s abstract. It’s not a religion, but it gives awesome guidance on how to live in harmony with Life. This video gives some good insights into Taoism
I wrote the Wu Tao philosophy and Principles based on my personal experience and understanding of the Tao. They have served me well so far and the dances have helped me and many other people embody them. I’ve listed them here. I hope they may be of benefit to you.
Wu Tao Philosophy and Principles
- All of life is connected, there is only the One. Everything is a part of the One.
There is only One Life. We are all part of it and there is no separation between its parts. In the beginning, according to Taoism there was the One which gave birth to all life. Life expressed itself first as one, then became the two (yin and yang) which then became all things. Therefore you are one with Life and one with all aspects of life.
- Life is like a river. We cannot push the flow of the river.
The river is a metaphor for the flowing nature of life energy. Life holds within it the stillness of being as well as the dynamic flow of creation. Life is living itself through you. When you can allow it to flow without the need to control it through your limited mind you will experience ease, peace and fulfilment. When you attempt to push or control Life you will find it to be more effortful and difficult.
- Surrendering to the flow of Life ensures our journey in life will be all that it is meant to be.
Surrendering to the flow means to go with the energy as it is presenting itself to you, responding appropriately to it and moving with it. It by no means suggests that you should be passive continuously or allow your life circumstances to act upon you without action. Surrender means being in trust enough to follow your inner voice and guidance which may direct you to take action or not. It is an experience of opening and allowing Life to be lived through you once and bringing yourself into alignment with Life.
- Resisting the flow of Life suggests difficulty, suffering and hardship will be yours to experience.
If you resist the flow you will experience pain of some kind. Only your limited mind can resist the flow out of fear. If you are experiencing pain or suffering in any way you are in resistance at some level of your being. One of the best ways to move out of resistance is to give thanks for whatever you are experiencing and open to the gift that Life is offering you in the moment. Life is a gift, and there is always an opening available to you that will bring you peace and joy in every circumstance. Dancing Wu Tao will help to move you through your resistance to what life is offering you and help you to trust the process.
- Surrendering to the flow means moving through life responsively. Responding to life intuitively and acting appropriately in each experience.
The more you are able to be in a state of internal balance, the easier it is to respond intuitively and appropriately. If you are off balance significantly, of course your responses will reflect your state of mind and body.
- The aim of Wu Tao is to restore balance between the individual and the universe.
There is no difference between what you are made of and what the rest of the universe is made of. We are all made of the same stuff and we are all connected. Wu Tao helps to restore your connection to the ocean of oneness which the entire universe is a part of. Your healing and restoration heals the universe.
- Life is constantly evolving and moving. Your ability to flow with this movement and change reflects our harmony with Life.
If you can flow with Life as it presents itself to you and through you, you will feel a deep sense of inner peace, balance and trust. This is in complete contrast to what you will feel if you resist Life. If you are resisting you are not trusting in the only thing that is trustworthy, which is Life itself.
- Heart, mind, spirit and body, all have equal bearing in your being. All parts need to be in balanced relationship with the other parts for your being to function optimally.
All aspects of our being need to be kept healthy and functioning well. The heart needs to be free of disturbing emotions in order to house the spirit. The mind needs to be tamed and negative thought patterns reprogrammed. The spirit needs to be radiating its compassion and love to all, and the body needs to be looked after and honoured in order to be a good physical vehicle for our spirit to shine through.
- An imbalance between these parts of yourself, creates disharmony throughout your entire system and this in turn affects your ability to respond to life effectively and diminishes all life through your ineffectiveness.
An imbalance in your being affects the whole. It diminishes your experience of life as well as causing imbalance in the whole. Just as we imagine a stone thrown into a pond and the ripples can be felt and seen across the whole pond, so your balance or imbalanced state creates ripples that affect the whole of life.
- Balance and harmony can always be restored.
The One is always in a state of perfect balance and harmony, in and of Itself. Therefore you are already whole because you are part of the One. As soon as you bring yourself into alignment with Life, balance is restored.