Thanks to a blessedly busy summer, I completely missed this amazing offer from Michelle Locke, the creator and founder of Wu Tao. Below is the full note that she sent out and I encourage you to read it all the way to the bottom to redeem a 20% off code on any purchase you make in the online shop! The offer is good until October 31st so be sure to place your orders as early as possible!
From Michelle:
So this month is exactly 15 years since I started creating Wu Tao. How time has flown. My life is so different to what it was then….Now I am a grandmother to little Zimi, a nurse and still teaching, sharing and loving Wu Tao.
July 2001 I was in another life. I had a very sick baby and my life was highly stressful to say the least. Regardless, the creative urge was strong and over a number of months, I started a journey of creation which eventually became Wu Tao. It was winter. In Chinese Medicine philosophy winter is the time of dreaming and nurturing the seed within. I did just that, holed up in a little studio in North Fremantle. It was a precious healing time. The five element dances came first, followed by the book which I wrote in a month. The first class was held in a gorgeous riverside studio at 6.45 in the morning for a group of supportive students. I’d ask them, ‘So what do you think?’ they all gave me the thumbs up. Over the next few months, movements were tweaked, meditations refined and come 2002, Wu Tao took off in Perth with 7 classes running a week.
I often wonder how much I really have to do with controlling my life. Wu Tao has seemed to have one of it’s own, and my purpose has simply been to say YES to it and follow my inner guidance and the Qi! It has been a great teacher. It’s helped me to embody and live the wisdom of the Tao, surrender to the flow of Life, respond appropriately and trust. The dances are the tools I use to stay connected, on purpose and in balance. Who knows what I would have become without it, who would I be?
Given the immense challenges I have faced in recent years, I tend to think I would have been a basket case without it! Wu Tao has held me through the worst years following Belle’s transition. It gave me a space to dance out my grief and know what is real beyond the veils of this world.
I am crying as I write this. Crying with gratitude for the life-force that carries me. I am held in deep love. As are you my dear Anna. Wu Tao is my gift to you from Spirit. I hope it benefits you and I very much hope to be dancing with you soon!
When life is crappy and the darkness is upon you, remember this.
“You are one with Life and nothing that ever happens will ever change this.
You can trust in Life one hundred percent. Surrender to this force,
give up your ego control and
become receptive and relaxed.
Life will guide you through the difficult terrain.
You will gain the gifts of spirit
wisdom, understanding, patience, love, compassion, peace and joy
exactly as you need them.”
20% off - Anniversary Special for you!
It is my greatest joy to share Wu Tao with you in all of its forms and so I warmly invite you to use this coupon to receive a 20% discount on all Wu Tao products (excluding classes and retreats). Buy a DVD, book, music mp3, package or start one of our wonderful instructor training programs between now and the 31st of October to receive the discount.