Happy May!
May the blessings of springtime be upon you!
The photo of the tulips above is one I took at the famous Keukenhof Gardens outside of Amsterdam. What color! What scent! I wanted to offer their vibrancy and beauty to you as a warm greeting into this new month.
I hope you are giving yourself the opportunity to embrace many of the wonderful things that spring has to offer. Whether you’re inhaling the rising freshness of mother nature, doing some spring cleaning, or tending to your garden, I hope each action you’re giving yourself enriches your sense of peace and renewal.
That is the beauty of this season, and it’s only just begun! If you haven’t gotten around to doing anything for yourself yet this spring, there’s no better time than now to let yourself take that step toward fulfillment, satisfaction, and enjoyment.
Join me this month to write, pray, and reconnect with your magical self. Curious about individualized support? Schedule a free 15-minute phone call with me here!
Come Breathe With Me!
For the next thirty days, I’m hopping on Instagram and offering a quick, sweet thirty seconds of breathing. Join me!
If you’re wanting to breathe more deeply, check out my new class Breathing 101. Rooted in my 13+ years of breathwork, this course is designed to help you create a new relationship to your own breath. Even as you’re reading these words, how is your breath? Can you take a deeper inhale and let yourself relax?
Through lessons, meditations, and videos, this course offers many ways to bring in more aliveness, connection, and self-awareness into your body and your life simply by using the profound tool of your breath. Check it out here!
TONIGHT! Writing Into Completion
A free hour-long class that will help you put pen to paper (or fingers to keys) and write your way into the presence and energies of completion. Class includes prompts, a free pdf to work with at your leisure, and a half-hour free-write to get your juices flowing.
Monday, May 1st at 4:00pm PST / 7:00pm EST Sign Me Up!
Say YES! An Affirmative Prayer Writing Workshop
Want to call in what you are ready to receive and experience in the form of prayer? This non-denominational class is for anyone who is ready for a great big holy YES for their dreams and desires. Join me for an interactive session where you will learn what affirmative prayer is and how to write them for yourself and others.
Wednesday, May 17th at 3:30pm PST / 6:30pm EST Sign Me Up!
(Re)Sourcing Self: Meeting Your Needs with Love
Tired of seeking acknowledgment and not getting it? Hungry for acceptance or celebration of your wonderful, unique self? Wishing that people would see you for who you really are? In this workshop, we will explore the ways in which we can become the source of meeting our own emotional needs.
Friday, May 19th at 3:30pm PST / 6:30pm EST Sign Me Up!
And here’s a sneak peek of what’s to come…
June 15 - Breathwork for Awakening
June 21 - July 26 - Writing Through Flux - a six-week class series dedicated to writing through the flux of change that comes into our lives via specific events. Take one, two, or all of the classes! More about them at Writing Through Transition
June 21 - Divorce
June 28 - Career Change
July 5 - Loss
July 12 - Future Imagining
July 19 - Sudden Change
July 26 - Graduation
Thank you for reading my news, and for your time and grace today. I look forward to seeing your smile on screen one day soon!
With gratitude and warm wishes,
ps- Ready for nurturing support to trust your own magic? Join us! The Foxy Firelight Collective is an online membership program designed to build and foster trust in yourself and your sixth-sensory gifts whether you are ready to claim them or just get to know them! Click here to learn more.