Essential Oils To Support Radiant Health!

Hi everyone! Happy mid-September to you all. It's been quite the powerful end to summer with so many changes swirling about in our personal, communal, national and international communities. I have personally noticed a huge uptick in anxiousness and stress-related conditions in people across the board. I personally rely on lots of physical movement and my doTERRA essential oils to help keep me grounded and fully present in my body. Not only do the oils help with adjusting and maintaining my personal chemistry, but I have found them an invaluable tool for easing my own feelings of anxiousness and lack in these complicated times. I love sharing these amazing oils so everyone can have multiple wellness tools in their personal self care tool kit to make sure they feel supported no matter what.

Earlier this year, the article below was published on Wu Tao Dance's main website and I love the confluence of two of my favorite things - Wu Tao and essential oils! I have copied the text of the article below but if you'd like to read it on the main Wu Tao website, you can click here.

Hi everyone! Happy September to you all. It's been quite the powerful end to summer with so many changes swirling about in our personal, communal, national and international worlds. I have personally noticed a huge uptick in anxiousness and stress-related conditions in people across the board and I felt moved to share one of my many tools and strategies to counterbalance any anxious or stressful feelings.

I personally rely on lots of physical movement and my doTERRA essential oils to help keep me grounded and fully present in my body. Not only do the oils help with adjusting and maintaining my personal chemistry, but I have found them an invaluable tool for easing my own anxious feelings and lack in these complicated times. I love sharing these amazing oils so everyone can have multiple wellness tools in their personal self care tool kit to make sure they feel supported no matter what. Want to visit my essential oils website? Click here!

Earlier this year, the article copied below was published on Wu Tao Dance's main website and I love the confluence of two of my favorite things - Wu Tao and essential oils! I have copied the text of the article below and changed some of the wording to remain compliant with regards to the claims, but if you'd like to read it on the main Wu Tao website, you can click here.

I am here to help connect you to your own highest good and the force of love that runs through all of us body, mind and soul. 

If you are looking for support or simply some new tools, please be in touch!

Happy reading!


Essential oils are amazing in their ability to replenish the body and mind. They can help you feel wonderful through their aroma, especially in times of stress.

Stress manifests in our body in alarming ways. The physical strain of it can lead to poor health, but these damaging impacts can be balanced with essential oils

We all know essential oils help melt away feelings of anxiousness and keep our stressful feelings in check. But, did you know that each oil has it’s own properties and unique health benefits beyond bringing calm?

We’re sharing the top 6 essential oils to bring balance to your health and how you can use them to balance the Five Elements. To get some of these beautiful essential oils for use at home or at work, please click here!


Lavender is a must have in the home. The aroma relaxes while it soothes feelings of sensitivity or overuse in the body and can helrelieves mild headaches. Perfect for those nights when your mind is too busy and awake.

How to use Lavender to support your health:

Try adding a few drops on your pillow. It can help send you off into a dreamy sleep.

Lavender can be used to balance all 5 elements and restore your Qi.


Jasmine is a wonderful way to uplift your spirits and improve the condition of your skin.

Jasmine also has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. Try some on scars and marks a few times a day.

How to use Jasmine to support your health:

Try rubbing some Jasmine on your pulse points when you find yourself experiencing the blues or being overcome by negative thoughts.

Jasmine can be used to balance all 5 elements and restore your Qi.


If you’re looking for an immune boost before the cold season starts, add a few drops of orange in your bath and soak in the wonderful aroma.

How to use Orange to support your health:

Add Orange essence to your bath and soak in its restorative powers.

Orange is the perfect oil to balance the wood element.


Did you know Rosemary is a natural support for helping to maintain blood pressure levels that are already in a normal range?

If you’re looking to support healthy blood pressure levels that are already within the normal range, try using rosemary for that extra help.

How to use Rosemary to support your health:

Adding a few drops of rosemary oil to your diffuser can also improve memory and concentration.


Peppermint is a necessity for your essential oil collection because of its versatile uses.

Peppermint is excellent for supporting healthy digestion, easing feelings of bloating and cramps after a big meal.

How to use Peppermint to support your health:

Try diffusing some in the morning, the aroma will help wake you up to get a great start through the day.

Peppermint can be used to balance all 5 elements and restore your Qi.


The relaxing properties of Sandalwood will support the relief of any physical discomfort. It’s especially potent in creating deep calm in the mind.

How to use Sandalwood to support your health:

Try diffusing some Sandalwood in meditation and feel it’s calming scent take you to a deeper level.

Sandalwood can be used to balance all elements except Earth in late summer.